BERLIN · a selection of performance, film, and music, re-awakening the spirit of 1920's Berlin! take a journey through the time of absinth and orchestras, surrealism and silent film, in an original 1920's silent film cinema closed to the general public for the last 70 years!

Das Ehemalige Stummfilmkino Delphi
Gustav-Adolf-Straße 2, 13086 Berlin-Weißensee

one of the first cinemas in the world, its beautiful interior remains perfectly intact from the days of its golden age as a popular meeting point for the arts scene of 1920's Berlin.

tickets: 5/8€ Reserve your ticket at for a reduced 5€ ticket price (entry before 18:30)

1920's style dress encouraged!!

featuring preview showings:

" E x p o s u r e B e r l i n "
Surrealist theater piece by award winning Per Aspera Productions, performed in English, German and French featuring new music, animation, silent film, circus and more, channelling the spirit of the golden 20's in Berlin.

F i l m e d P e r f o r m a n c e s f r o m " T h e L o s t " 1 9 3 3
A selection of performances filmed in 1933 for the incomplete feature film "The Lost", restored by Artstudio Reynolds.

" M o d u l a r M o d e "
Fashion line PEPP Art by Gerlinde von Steht brings style and art together onstage for an exciting fashion performance

" T h e Ca b i n e t of D r . C a l i g a r i "
The classic German Expressionist film returns to its home theater for a special selected screening

"E t u d e s p o u r M a d a m e E."
A "Neo tech Opera" by Mirco Magnani mixes the real and virtual with Electronics, Cello, Performance and Visuals

D J C h r i s t o p h e r R o s e
Hot Jazz, Nasty Swing, Dirty Blues on original Schellack-78s.

All this in a very unique location:

D a s E h e m a l i g e S t u m m f i l m k i n o D e l p h i
- former silent film cinema Delphi -