BERLIN · in the frame of Month of Performance Art Berlin a performance Dividing up the body politic will take place, for which Ellinor Ljungkvist #5864 did the concept, composition and choreography. the two performers are Lea Wettiger and Roni Katz.
a performative method for generating material in this cut is developed. the idea is based on transforming text into embodiment of current situations. it could be any text, but as needed, a text that includes effective actions was chosen.
“Aristophanes was the first one to use comedy systematically to examine and contest core cultural values – artistically, social, religious, political and philosophical – of society of which he belonged”
these topics are, as it was important at that time, still our main division on society when it comes to conceptual performance and art. hence the interest in generating performative material on similar actions within these fields was initiated. the score is far away from traditional dance and theater, and instead, it is working on contemporary methods and ideas on how to create performance today.
the performance is a collaboration between two persons that has been composed by a outside observer. composition in this sense means sat ideas and pattern of actions. the characters are presenting strong images and qualities from text in their own personal way, from where the performance has been shaped. the performance touches matters as dividing up the body politic, a deliciously feeling of drowsy one self and the most sensible speech etc.