BERLIN · MPA is back and delighted to announce the launch of our MPA-B curatorial collaboration proposal for the 3RD EDITION of the MONTH OF PERFORMANCE ART - BERLIN / MAY 2013


The 2nd edition of theMonth of Performance Art - Berlin (MPA-B)closed at the end of May 2012 with an impressive programme, featuring hundreds of performances, workshops, talks, exhibitions, installations and site-specific actions. Lasting 31 days, MPA-B took place at67 locations in 10 city boroughs and saw the involvement of hundreds of artists, curators and producersfrom all over the world. MPA-B brought the relatively unknown world of performance art to a very diverse and broad audience, and with its work in the areas of production, programming, promotion and network development (and thanks also to a number of features and interviews on national and internationalnewspapers, blogs, radios and articles) it helped promote the work of independent artists, organisations, networks, venues and initiatives working at the fringe of funded and mainstream performing arts structures.


In view of these results, we are delighted to inform you that we have begun production on the 3RD EDITION OF MPA-B due in MAY 2013 and that we are currently looking for performance art curators who would like to be part of it, and to contribute to its programming. The objectives of MPA-B will remain the same however to better reach its goals, to foster a tighter and more collaborative approach to its programming and to deepen the discourse about Berlin's independent and contemporary performance art practices, we would like to invite interested performance art practitioners to work closely with us and to attend three meetings (in Berlin/venue TBC/Skype meetings can also be arranged) over the course of three months, prior to the beginning of MPA-B 2013.

Through this approach we aim to create a close group of curators whose practices, interests and investigations focus on performance art, and to make their work the highlights of MPA-B 2013. Next year's programme will continue to include, in the format of a listing, other performance art projects taking place during May (a call for these projects will be launched in January 2013), however the initiatives stemming from these curators' meetings will be the main focus of MPA-B 2013 and will have a more prominent visibility in the programme.

Finally, we also hope that through this curatorial initiative we can develop together a long-lasting dialogue and collaboration that will last beyond May.

For further information about deadlines, meetings' dates, participation fee, and programme guidelines please visit the following web page (in German and English):

MPA-B text rollWe have initiated a page to begin a broad based discussion on a variety of performance art subjects. TitledMPA-B text roll, this is a collaborative platform whose central component is the collective drafting of a Manifesto, an ever evolving statement on what WE (meaning those contributing to it) consider performance art to be. We are looking for people interested in contributing to the development of the MPA-B text roll with texts, ideas, comments, images, links and more! Follow the link below, and read how you can get involved. The page is a Wiki, meaning it is an open, collaborative and inclusive platform, feel free to get in touch with us if you have any question.