BERlIN · a collaboration between June-14 Meyer-Grohbrügge & Chermayeff and Toshihiko Mitsuya, architects and artist, study various structures created from .02mm aluminium. the designs test the limits of the thin material given various kinds of loading and shape. everyone knows aluminum foil as light and thin. it is composed only of surface, no thickness. however, it gets very hard if pressed and, moreover, it can form sensitive details, which cannot be done with clay or stone.

in the second week of the exhibition architect and artist Alexander Schweder La will add works to the show that explore the question of architectural strength from a moister perspective. as a counterpoint to the thin becoming strong posited by June-14, Schweder La's experiments with rot expose the frailty of the architecture that we desire to be permanent.

opening with drinks and music on 18th april at 19:00, exhibition open from 19. - 29. april between 14:00 - 19:00.

on april 28th 2012 at 16:00 Johanna Meyer-Grohbrügge, Sam Chermayeff, Toshihiko Mitsuya and Alex Schweder La will talk with DAZ curator Matthias Böttger about strengths and weaknesses of architecture.