SEOUL · GANGNAM ART DISTRICT PROJECT is a new type of community art project to re-develop a local economy through various art projects in gangnam district. 

diverse artworks like drawing, painting, photograph and sculptures will be installed on the walls, streets and buildings, and its format and range of projects will be expanded and added on annually. 

this transformation of streets does not only beautify the untidy streets, but also brings new cultural contents like “art district tour” and will boost the community economy of local businesses accordingly.

most visitors to gangnam are seeking more than mega stores and cosmetic hospitals. gangnam, without much attractive sightseeing places, needs a new type of artistic and cultural energy to balance out with its global status quo.

the creative momentum of GANGNAM ART DISRICT PROJECT will lighten up the gangnam’s commercials-concentrated image with artistic flavors. 

the unprecedented community project requires constant interests and lasting investments to develop fully in a long term for a globally unique city project.