Platoon Cultural Development

Platoon Cultural Development

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a visit from Singapore

a visit from Singapore

yesterday we had a very pleasant visit from some representatives of the Singapore Economic Development Board (EDB) here in PLATOON. it has been very nice exchanging views with them about the … »

Gene Serene @ Donnerstags-Bar

Gene Serene @ Donnerstags-Bar

socks and shoes on feet, the air smells different – and Gene Serene’s electro punk will smash the place before the night’s closed in - hibernating and migrating. not only the last … »

Domino DAY

Domino DAY

Yesterday, 20 years after the fall of the Berlin wall there were some big celebrations all over the city. One of these was a big domino-game going from Reichstag to potsdammer platz. The dominos were … »

20 years: fall of the wall

20 years: fall of the wall

today is the 20th anniversary of the fall of the berlin wall. all the people, who lived before in the west-sector know about the reprisals by border crossings where ever you would go: for visiting … »

night of

night of "BERLIN CALLING" in seoul

last friday, oct 30, goethe-institut korea and PLATOON KUNSTHALLE presented the german independent film "berlin calling". the combination of the film screening, hotdogs bbq, and music afterwards … »

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