check out the line-up if you want to get an idea of what was shown this time, maybe you'll get inspired and participate next time!
1. till cremer - designer/artist - berlin - ID 4513 - hear the other side/short animation
2. bobby good - filmmaker - berlin - ID 552 - Wassereis/short film
3. vanessa velasquez - visual artist - berlin - ID 4102 - make the green grass greener/short film
4. junkhouse - artist - seoul - ID 3740 - wang shipli + orange monster/ past-up works
5. marc brinkmeier - photographer - berlin -ID 331 - rainbow united 2010 + Bilder gegen das vergessen/photo slide shows
6. darko dragicevic - visual artist - berlin - ID 5077 -animal collective/short film + kastell/music video
7. manuel matamoros - solar engineer - berlin -ID 340 - donnerstagsbar/photo slide show
8. max tertinegg/fiago - webdesigner/musician - graz - ID 5060 - stay/music video
9. beata niedhart - visual artist - berlin - ID 4500 - art brut/paintings & illustrations slide show
10. tilman porschuetz - artist - seoul - ID 3711 - babelthesis/experimental music performance
11. antonio sobral - artist/painter - berlin - ID 4518 - to be on things/short film + agora que voce me encontrou/music video
12. soomi park - visual artist - seoul - ID 3692 - urban graffiti + personal camp/urban interventions
13. herma wittstock - performance artist - berlin - ID 3473 - in collaboration with declan rooney - performance artist - berlin - ID 3472 - depression piece/performance
14. wolfram putz/graft - architect - berlin - ID 2545 - the pink project/exhibition design slide show
15. luis berrios-negron - artist/architect - berlin - ID 3151 - verde que te quiero verde - nonspheres IV/film documentation
16. sasha perera/jahcoozi - singer/songwriter - berlin - ID 3209 - in collaboration with morgan belenguer - choreographer - berlin - ID 3180 - barefoot dub/music video
17. iepe rubingh - artist - rotterdam - ID 3319 - painting reality/urban intervention
18. anna niedhart - visual artist - berlin - ID 248 - madness in pictures/paintings & illustrations slide show
19. honza taffelt - visual artist - berlin - ID 109 - 2.halbzeit/visuals + geboren im winter/music video
20. marcel schobel - artist - berlin - ID 093 - skinlines/animation
21. haellmuth - visual artist - marseille - ID 5066 - far weathered friends/animation
22. moderat - music collaboration between apparat and modeselektor/visuals by pfadfinderei - berlin - rusty nails/music video