BERLIN · this week we will host the second session of the 2011 PLATOON connectivity workshop at our Berlin headquarters. it started with the first session at PLATOON KUNSTALLE Seoul back in june, where experts in fields ranging from urban architecture to game development gathered together and explored the powerful connectivity trends within the automotive sector. it was a successful meeting where thinkers theorised on the growing role of quality experiences in a globalised environment. from Seoul, one of the most connected cities on the planet, the workshop is now moving to Berlin, one of the most creative cities in the world.

since the theme centred on the future of mobility providers, we thought to make a visual statement - what better way then to build a mobile meeting space! once again our special forces showed off some of their many skills by constructing a large tent in our yard. urban boot camp at its very best!

on Friday, some of our most innovative members will gather and brainstorm on the more practical side of mobility vision to develop real product scenarios for the cars of tomorrow. let the cross-pollination of creative ideas begin!