Our friends from RepairBerlin whom we met during the Cracking The City exhibition, are calling for participants to get involved in a Park(ing) Day Battle here in Berlin on September 18th 2009.

--> Six teams
--> Six ideas
--> Six parking lots each
--> Six square meters
--> ... and voilà: a colorful PARK(ing)
--> so...Participate!

-Recruit a small team of friends until the 12th of september 2009, mail your ideas for your personalized 6qm (doc / ppt / pdf)
-RepairBerlin will provide the setting, Real Lawn (!) & barrier devices.
-PARKings & QUEENS will be informed

Criteria: easy set-up, transportable equipment
Where please? --> Surpirse!

--> A (so far secret) shopping street in central Berlin.
--> you´ll get informed per eMail with short notice about the exact time and location, so don‘t forget your return address!

feel free to forward this message!