Ritterstrasse 12-14, 10969 Berlin, Berlin Kreuzberg
doors: 19:30h, Beginn/start: 20:20h
entrance: 6€
speakers list:
#Fabian Stelzer - Aktivist: Recreating the Berlin Wall
#Heike Fühlbrügge + Oscar Heim - writer, Film producer, chessboxing promoter: Love and crude oil in devided Germany
#Shaheen Merali - curator: "When elephants walk, dogs bark, a photopoesie on Muslim traders at Haji Ali"
#Alexandra Senes - fashion queen: „Les petits riens“ - about small things
#Michael Bukowski + Ansgar Oberholz - writer: Romane für Nichtleser
#Philip Steffan Bausteln
#Luka Hinse - Organizer Pecha Kucha Night Auckland: networking on the Schafwiese
#Thomas Jäkel - Improviser:the origin of Theaters
#Bernhard Moosbauer - photographer and Mediaartist: Pudel Portraits
#Doreen Mende - curator and author: Bilder in den Westen
#Roman Deckert - projectmanager Sudan:Wahl-o-Mat Sudan
by the way: on the 26. and 27.09. the atoms&bits Festival will take place at the same location.
check out previous Pecha Kucha Nights via PLATOON