Martin Messier, with his sawing machine orchestra was a highlight of the festival. Marc Langloise #5749, his artist agent, has a portfolio with several interesting digital artist with a performative twist. by interest, get in touch with him!
Tasman Richardson #5758, a very talented video artist and composer based in Toronto... his performance was truly awesome!
or the Tiller Girls by Louis-Philippe Demers, an ensemble of 12 robotic dancers, shaking their screws to the rythm of 1920´s swing!
Steve Daniels #5761, with his motion tracking cyber-flowers reacting to the slightest movements of your shadow.
i got completely lost during the FEED performance by Kurt Hentschläger... when suddenly an absurd amount of fog was pumped into the room with a stroboscopic lightshow, which reminded me to those moments when i was on the verge of passing out!
among others, i really enjoyed the EUPHORIE performance by 1024 ARCHITECTURE, focusing on the interaction of body, space, sound and vision, within the framework of digital architecture. i heard that for some experts it was a bit too entertaining but i found the low-tech expedient with 4 transparent screens very effective and it actually was a buzzing experience...
check out the program and some pics on Flickr, there are many more artists to discover!
next year think about ELEKTRA MONTREAL - it is worth all the way!