Berlin based Smiths - Ellinor Ljungkvist, Torsten Fischer, Thomas Mader and Marco Wedel - took the initiative to open a space for Smiths in Berlin -> BASED IN BERLIN

we are very excited about this project and hope that other Smiths feel the same.

the exhibition will Open: 4th March 2011 with a weekend-long programm; smith´s will show/play or talk about their creative work. the walls will be an ongoing exhibition until the Closing:
20th March 2011.

the exhibition will present works from Designers, Writers, Painters, Dancers, Video Artist, Musicians and Visionaries, that have all participated in the 10 days long festival “Schmiede” in Hallein/Austria.

the exhibition will give an insight into the Schmiede festival and artists occupations. all in all it will be a presentation of works conducted by Smiths, past as well as current, in their final state.

Adalbertstr 4

find out more about Schmiede via PLATOON