If a slow food, vegetarian café operating out of a shipping container in Berlin’s fashionable Mitte district doesn’t nod to several zeitgeists, then Till The Cows Come Home is merely a place to have a meal.

Founded by creative director Natalie Viaux and health consultant Dr. Christiane Cordes, the dedicated team is responsible for a tiny oasis of ayurvedic, kosher and macrobiotic cuisines sourced from regional, sustainable and organic farming, inspired by flavors from all over the world. With an interior clad in Norwegian birch, the calm they aim to inspire is reflected in their name.With bespoke dining table, seats and terrace, Till The Cows Come Home presents itself as a momentary respite from everyday urban life, offering sustenance and rejuvenation to help launch people back into their city lives. There’s also an aspirational element at play—who says we can’t have it all? Health, taste, the choices offered by a capital city and a pastoral benefit from rural influences are all neatly embodied in one shipping container.